Bio-Identical Hormones: Helping More Than Menopause

Women usually associate hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with menopause but did you know that bio-identical hormones can be used to help imbalances in women of all ages? Hormonal imbalance is likely contributing to your PMS, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), postpartum depression, or hot flashes. Instead of covering up hormonal symptoms with synthetic birth control pills or HRT, we can use nutrition, lifestyle changes, food supplements, and bio-identical hormones to safely balance hormones.
What Are Bio-Identical Hormones?
Bio-identical hormones are supplemental hormones that are the same chemical structure, hence biologically identical, to the hormones made in your own body. But wait!… I thought hormonal contraception and HRT contained estrogen and progesterone? Actually, no…They are made of synthetic hormones that chemically override your body’s natural production. This is quite different than adding back human-identical hormones that may be deficient. Bio-identical hormones can be taken orally, transdermally, or vaginally for a period of time to help ease your symptoms. Ideally they are compounded for your specific needs but some can be dispensed from regular pharmacies.
How Do I Know Which Hormones and How Much I Might Need?
We begin by accurately testing your current hormone levels using blood, saliva, or dried urine, depending on the hormones of concern. Then we use those results to determine if deficiency is present. Working first on diet and lifestyle changes, we build the foundation for healthy hormone production. Next, by adding nutritional supplements and bio-identicals as needed, we can nourish the body and bring hormone levels back in balance.
Are you interested in accurate, effective hormone testing? Thinking bio-identicals could help bring your hormone levels back in balance? Let’s work together and help you reverse hormonal imbalance and return to vibrancy.
Courtney Hasseman is a Certified Nurse-Midwife and Nurse Practitioner who provides integrative gynecologic care for women. Additionally, she is certified in nutritional therapy and offers functional nutrition programs specializing in hormonal and menstrual health. Courtney is an educator at heart and is passionate about providing unhurried, highly personalized, comprehensive care for women. She provides both in-person and online consultations based from her Northern Virginia clinic.