How To Get Gorgeous Skin Without Serums or Potions

Skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and keratosis pilaris (those little red bumps on the back of your arms) are common among women. Media marketing persuades us to believe that we need to spend big bucks on topical products to fix the problem. However, from the perspective of an integrative practitioner, skin conditions are a sign that the inside of the body needs help. While well-meaning dermatologists commonly prescribe topical treatments, the root cause of skin issues lies deep inside.
Here are important questions I consider when assessing problematic skin:
1. Are we eating enough healthy fat and protein?
2. Are we digesting fat and protein properly? Is there sufficient stomach acid, bile, and pancreatic enzymes to digest our food?
3. Are we absorbing our fats and fat-soluble vitamins? Are we eating nutrient-dense food containing optimal levels of vitamins and minerals?
4. Are we eating inflammatory foods? Is there excess sugar, simple carbohydrates, or processed oils in our diet? Do we have sensitivities to dairy, grains, or other foods?
One of my nutritional therapy clients spent the majority of her life managing acne. In her late 30’s she came to me for help. Within several months her skin cleared for the first time in decades. We made key changes to her diet and added specific nutritional supplements to support her body where we discovered deficiencies. She began healing her body from the inside out. First, her constipation and digestive issues resolved, then she achieved clear, glowing skin. When asked the key to her success, she stated, “Having someone knowledgeable to help me find my root cause. I would not have known where to begin.”
We all have unique symptoms, nutritional-needs, and genetic makeups. We are bio-individual. But by working together to properly assess our nutritional needs and implement change on the inside of our bodies we can then produce results on the outside of our bodies…no serums or potions needed.
Courtney Hasseman is a Certified Nurse-Midwife and Nurse Practitioner who provides integrative gynecologic care for women. Additionally, she is certified in nutritional therapy and offers functional nutrition programs specializing in hormonal and menstrual health. Courtney is an educator at heart and is passionate about providing unhurried, highly personalized, comprehensive care for women. She provides both in-person and online consultations based from her Northern Virginia clinic.

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Are you a woman over 35 feeling the changes that perimenopause brings? From sleep disruptions to mood changes, these shifts can be overwhelming.

Perimenopause 101

is a 4-part class series designed to give you tools for hormonal balance and renewed vitality. Each class, we’ll focus on a different topic:

January 16th – Mindset & Sleep:

Learn strategies for resilience and restorative rest.


February 20th – Nutrition & Hydration:

Discover hormone-friendly foods to fuel you.

March 20th – Fasting & Fiber:

Find balance in digestion and hormone function.


April 24th – Protein & Movement:

Build strength, energy, and support metabolism.

Each live, online Zoom class is $40.

All are welcome to attend!

Email us to register:

Staci LaRue | Courtney Hasseman CNM