Healing Your Hormones With Food

I’m betting that you, like me, have been caught in the trap thinking that if I spend money on expensive supplements, they will fix my health problems. I can buy this and that when I have a headache and this and that when I have cramps. Maybe I can exchange a medication with a supplement and be better off? And while this may temporarily improve our symptoms, we won’t have true, long-term healing until we work on preventing our problems in the first place. When we get to the root of women’s health concerns, they are beyond being fixed by a pill.
I believe our food should be our medicine and what we eat lays the foundation of our health.
Such and such herb may help improve your headache, but if you’re still surviving on lattes and quick carbs, the headaches will keep coming. Such and such pill may help your cramps, but if you’re still not eating enough minerals, the cramps will persist. Healing our hormones takes time. Fixing our periods takes months. We cannot expect quick results by popping pills, whether prescriptions or supplements. True healing comes when we address the roots of these problems by changing what we put in our bodies in the first place. Then we use the power of whole, real food to sustain healthy hormones for years to come.
Do you need help choosing foods to heal your body? Are you tired of spending money on expensive supplements that don’t work long-term? Ready to overhaul your hormones with real food? Let’s chat!